Protective Rainbow Around Us, Healthy Boundaries
CHALLENGE: Vulnerability. Taking on others’ negativity. Easily affected by crowds, by other people’s emotions. Easily exhausted when surrounded by many people through the day. Toxic overload of EMF.
PROMOTES: Keeping clear boundaries. Maintaining our personal boundaries and integrity. A tool for protection and clearing.
An excellent essence for palliative care and creating a protective rainbow around those making their transition.
CONTAINS:Essences of American Basswood (Tilia americana), Black Walnut (Juglans nigra), Jack Pine (Pinus banksiana), Small-Leaf Linden (Tilia sp.), and Sweet Buckeye (Aesculus sp.) in a base of spring water and 9.5% alcohol.
Note: Blessed Essences are highly diluted vibrational extracts, safe for oral consumption, produced using a modified version of protocol developed in the 1930s by the English physician Edward Bach. They may be of noticeable benefit in self-directed efforts to maintain health and well-being. Use as an adjunct to any treatment programs. However, they should not be considered as medications. They are not designed to treat or cure any specific disorder. Their use may not be considered a substitute for either sound medical or veterinary diagnosis or treatment.